Can you imagine this? It’s the darkest night; all is peaceful and calm as you soak in the feeling of being perfectly safe. The waters are still around you. You’re headed somewhere, but you can’t see the shoreline in the distance. You just know that it’s there. And in the vastness of the night not the slightest hint of fear lingers inside of you because you know Jesus is in the boat.
Maybe you can hear Him breathing in and out, your mind races to the miracles He has done just hours before. He cleansed the leper with the touch of His mighty hand. You witnessed the need of the paralyzed servant and a centurion who pleaded his case, “Just speak the word and my servant will be healed.” And Jesus marveled at a faith like his.
He spoke and indeed the servant was healed that very hour.
In need of rest Jesus slumbers as you set sail. And suddenly a great tempest from out of nowhere covers the boat and overtakes you. As the wind beats against your frame you taste the salty air. In a matter of minutes your peaceful state of existence is no more and you are overwhelmed with fearfulness while the One you follow remains asleep.
You cry out, “Save us!” In great distress for your life, you shake the God of all creation and point to the waves that are about to overtake you.
“Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?”
Do you not remember what I can do?
He speaks. He rebukes the winds that woke Him, He speaks to the sea…and there was a great calm.
You marvel at the God that speaks and the wind and wave obey… and then you remember the man whose faith caused Jesus to marvel just hours before.
Oh, God give me faith like that. Faith that says, “Just speak and it’s a done deal.”
He is the God that will speak to your storm and release the sweetest calm. Jesus is still in your boat. His eyes are watching the tempest and He sees you. God does not slumber or feel threatened by your raging sea. The winds might be blowing forcefully, but they will not overtake you.
Take comfort, my friend, may God give you perfect peace!
(Inspired by Matthew 8. How cool is God’s word?!!!)
God's word is VERY cool! Its amazing how it can come alive at the perfect time for us. Faith is something that is such an amazing gift. Faith in God and faith in yourself. I read a few years ago a quote that challenged saying, you never live up to or down to your beliefs... you just live what you believe. I think of that all the time, especially when what I think I have faith for isn't how I'm living.