Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Letters to Jesus

She wrote a letter to Jesus and she gave it to my husband. Maybe in her sweet little mind he was the closest thing to God since he is her Pastor. We held the letter for a little while wondering what was inside. If a little girl, all of seven, could write a letter to God, what would it say?

In a matter of minutes we would find out.

Part of me wanted to leave it unopened, like it was meant for His eyes alone. And yet I knew that somehow we had been included in this little girls love note to God.

This is what it said:

Dear God,

How do you think I look?

Do you think I’m pretty? I hope so.

I love you. Ok?


We laughed for a little while and then I said, “Well, that’s a woman in training for you.”

My husband chimed in, “Well, it would be if she asked the question five more times.”

With a dirty look thrown in his direction and a pain in my heart, I felt questions stirring in my heart.

What is it about our gender that craves beauty longing for acceptance? If we truly knew how God sees us…would we stop asking or looking for our value in the ones around us?

I wanted to take this little girl in my arms and give her the answer.

Sweet girl,

I think you are beautiful.

You can ask me a thousand times and my answer will be the same.

My child, you are lovely. You were created in My image.

Fashioned and formed, a workmanship that I delight in.

The kingdom of heaven belongs to hearts like yours.

I love you more.

Let God be your mirror. Let Him fill the deepest longings of your heart. You can ask of Him a thousand times and He will never grow tired of you asking.


  1. oh I wish I could just give that little girl a ((hug)) I remember being age 5 or so and wanting to know if I mattered any more just like that little girl. My dad left when we were 5, 7 and 9 we were three little girls, left to fill in the blanks. Her questions were very important. I hope someone answers them for her.
    Maybe you and your husband can find a special little heart...locket or something and give it to her and write down "you will always be precious in the eyes of the Lord". Make it age appropriate...I don't know just sad for her she was precious to trust him with her note.

  2. She is a beautiful little girl surrounded by love and loving parents. Praise God for that! We will definitely make sure she knows her worth and value! I completely agree!

    Wish I could give you a hug too! Thanks for sharing your heart.

  3. This was precious and beautifully written, Jen.

  4. Such a beautiful post. I see myself in this little girl. Thank you for the reminder that I am lovely!

  5. Barbie,
    You are welcome and you are LOVELY!!


