There are moments in our lives when we feel like we are in the shadows. Maybe it’s the shadows of a family member, or a God-given role that consumes your time. Most of the time we become comfortable there with nothing enticing us to come out. It’s safe there; no one is looking at us or to us. We just remain hidden.
Most of the time the shadow land is just a season of becoming. A season to sharpen ourselves and ready ourselves to what is ahead of us. Consumed by an overwhelming need for God to continue to be my healer, I run to His strong arms.
Right now this is my season of abiding in the shadow of the Lord. Waiting for inspiration to strike and for my words to be empowered by God. The important thing to realize is that when we abide in His shadows and find ourselves strengthened by His presence, the Lord will then send us out as a powerful tool to be used by Him.
Last night God lead me to Psalm 91 and I knew exactly what God was saying to me.
Run to me.
Rest in me.
Dwell in my shadows.
And then go forth empowered from on high.
Don’t fear the things thrown at you by the enemy; I will be your shield.
Set your love on me and know I will deliver you!
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” (Ps 91:1-2)
Take the time to read all of Psalm 91 and continue to set your love on the Most High.
Jennifer! Have you read "Anonymous" by Alicia Britt Chole? This post sounds like an echo to "Anonymous"! If you haven't got it - you need to! Love you girl! Loving your blog!